Dec 01, 2005 11:57
So I'm thinking, what if the cure for cancer is something obvious, like a vitamin or something.
Scientists searched and searched for a cure for the mysterious disease (scurvy)that killed sailors for years before they figured out that Vitamin C was the cure. So I've done some research, and I find that many people have come to the conclusion that Vitamin B17 is the answer. Being composed of four parts as follows: two sugar, one benzaldehyde, and one cyanide. Cyanide?? So isn't that a poison? Read on:
Our most accessible route to this vitamin would be the apricot seed. Just like a peach seed, it is very hard and round on the outside, but if you crack that part open, you will find an almond shaped seed that is much softer and easy to chew. And like most things that are good for you, it tastes terrible. After digesting this seed, these molecules run around in your blood stream. Cyanide in my blood stream?? Kinda scary... Not really. Combined with benzaldehyde, cyanide is completely harmless. So what good can that do?
Well, the only thing in the human body that can be found to seperate thes two, are the protein molecules that surround a cancer cell. I've read numerous reports from doctors saying that consuming apricot seeds regularly will greatly reduce your risk of getting cancer. One report suggested eating an apricot seed a day - One for every twenty pounds in your body. A treatment has been developed form this vitamin. It is known to us as Laetrile. However the drug version has been known to cause serious side effects. It is illegal in the united states. I wish someone would tell me why it was suddenly outlawed, and why it has not been tested any further. My guess is that it would be the same reason why we will never see a carburator that can give you 60 miles to the gallon. Energy companies making billions snatch them up and pay millions to the engineer who designed it. Bastards.
I would encourage all of you to do your own research on this and not take my word for it.