Well, my day was pretty good from what I remember. The rain was more than welcome and it didn't disappoint. Josh is getting in trouble, I feel bad for him, he is a great guy...
So, I really want to do something this weekend. I guess no Laura because she is going camping, so someone else has to offer to go shopping with me this weekend. Late Saturday night like 7, or 6:30. That is really the only time I can do something. So if you are interested contact me and we can hang out, I will take my camera and we can take lots of pictures together.
I took my dog for a walk last night.
My street sign.
My dog was being it's cute self.
So much better than your dog.
I like to live in America.
"You fall in love when it's in your best interests."
And I know, I know, I am a picture whore.