May 05, 2004 22:35
John asked me the other day why I haven't touched my live journal in months and the honest answer was that I feel a wee bit uncomfortable spilling out emotions to the general public. Anything that is worth saying is worth saying in person, and all that jank. However... I'm feeling rather upbeat at the moment. Despite several, ins, outs, ups, downs, swivels, twists & gyrations. My personal life has settled down to an acceptable level of sanity and I'm generally out and gibbering once again...
Presently painfully aware that I haven't been in any way social for about two years and trying to figure out what the hell everyone I know is up to these days.
Essentially feeling a wee bit party-mungous and would much appreciate any info on funtulous happenings, nights, parties & general purpose gatherings that may be occuring in the near to distant future. Since am well aware that my current social life in London is amounting to a big fat zero and I haven't a clue what people do these days.
So gwan, think of it as party-based care in the community. Gizza hint. Hope you are all well, cya all soon.
The big red hose beast...