Some of you (who do not know the wonderful
necropalice) have been complaining about LiveJournal silences and a lack of commotion, so I present to you The Solution! A 'this is what I'm like, please be my friend' meme. Comment it, friend it, link it.
(NB: Alice's post is
over here. It has already acquired a wealth of new faces, but as some of them are quite
Read more... )
19 and a half. Female. Göttingen, Germany - London starting August.
What's your journal mostly about?
Photos, ramblings about my daily life, observations, dreams, secrets, complaining, excitement, concerts, recommendations, cultural stuff. Also I'm currently in the process of organising a move to London for Uni, so there's a lot of stuff about that. And graduation naturally, since I can't wait to be done with school.
Describe yourself, or your lifestyle:
I'm a twenty-something stuck in a teenager's body. I live in the middle of nowhere and complain about it a lot, though I try to go on trips as often as possible. My social life isn't exactly stellar, mostly because I don't smoke, drink or enjoy teenagers. It's not all miserable though, if I'm passionate about something you'll be able to tell and I cherish my few friends both on and offline immensely. My life revolves around stuff related to the broad term 'culture' and I'm going to study Media at Uni. Also, you should know that I currently live in a two-room flat with my mother, grandmother who just moved over from Russia and our cat, so there's a fair bit of complaining.
Bold the words that apply to your journal:
Books - Booze - Childcare - Travel - Fashion - Music - Television - Film - Gigs - Art Work - Crafting - Animals - Sex - Matters of the Heart - Shopping - Writing - Food - Slogging My Guts Out At Work - Anime - Reviews - Outdoor Adventures - Culture - Photography - Clubbing - Bitching - Feminism - Mix-Tapes - Journalling - Waffling - Memes - Adventuring - Creativity - University - Shopping - Internet Lulz - Baking - Medical Stuff - Failing - Srs Life Stuff - Procrastination - Social Butterflying - Childlessness - Creative Writing - Calamity & Woe - Emotional Wobbles... add more, if you wish...
What kind of LJer would you prefer to add?
I'd love someone who is relatively active on LJ and posts about real life stuff or recommendations / art, fandom-only journals tend to tire me. If we have interests in common that'd be a plus! Obviously if you're a consevative child-loving anti-intellectual we probably won't get along, but I doubt there's anyone like that on here...
How do you know our fabulous Friending Meme host, drunkenchipmunk? Feel free to illustrate.
Well, I only know her through this thing so far, but I'm looking forward to meeting her for realz a LOT!
How often do you update? Are you a big commenter? Do these things matter?
I update about 1 to 3 times a week, it really depends on what's going on though. For example I tend to do long multi-part posts when I go traveling or for some exciting event, when I'm just at home watching TV thoough I might not post for a week or two. I tend to comment a fair bit and would like someone who comments at least occasionaly, if only to let me know you're still reading.
Post either a photograph of yourself, or an MS Paint likeness:
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