Sep 12, 2007 15:13

I'm doing a friends cut because some of the people on my friends list have, bar a few bands, absolutely nothing in common with me. If you've only added me pour music, then add drunkenwerewolf instead. Sadly, and as much as I respect art, I don't have enough interest in photography, or clothes for that matter, to entertain trawling through pages and pages of the stuff. I'm also pretty sure some of you are dead to the world. I find myself scanning through, community style for people whose lives I follow or even care about and I think considering this is a private journal that's more than a little ridiculous.

I know in the past I've let people speak up and save themselves from being cut, but I'm afraid this time I'm not going to offer that. I recognise the names of people who comment me and so unintentionally end up commenting only them back when I scan my FL; everyone else is just in LiveJournal limbo.
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