pornish_pixies is gone, as i'm sure you can see by the nice line through the name. a community that has been around for years, that has become an icon of well-crafted amateur literature. second to probably
hp_literotica (which thankfully remained untouched because
erastes could no longer focus on it so its more of archive than an active community), it probably possessed some of the best fic i have read. and now its been deleted by the livejournal administration without any warning whatsoever, a violation of their own terms of service i might add. because a group that calls themselves the
warriors for innocence decided that it was not appropriate for our fragile little minds.
i'm seriously so mad i can barely type because my hands are shaking. and its not really so much about just
pornish_pixies, because activity was slacking there anyway, or even that a website that i have loved and trusted for such a long time would stoop so fucking low and censor some of the best writers it has. ironically, i was the calm one when i was talking about this with christina earlier - only it wasn't this exactly, it was about where this had started. manga. of course.
a manga called kodomo no jikan which roughly translates to "nymphet" has created a massive stir in the anime/manga world. on the verge of its release on american shores, the distributing company backed out because of intense amount of pressure against its release because its story involved a very young girl explicitly trying to seduce her adult teacher. i don't know that much about kodoma no jikan only what other people have told me, and what most people have said is that it actually doesn't contain much explicit content. in which case i can't see how its any different from most anime and manga which is often littered with pantyshots and lolicon, why don't you just ban it all then? now, i have nothing against the distributing company, their decision probably had very little to do with censorship and more to do with marketing. i don't even blame the people who were violently against its release, because americans are idiots and don't know how to handle something different. i've accepted this, i am ok with this, if i wasn't i would have stabbed myself in the head by now. but its what's going on underneath this whole mess that is making me mad, which was exceptionally prodded and stoked and fueled by the livejournal crackdown which coincidentally (*laughs hysterically*) happens the very same week. its what i can see when i start browsing through the
warriors for innocence front page. i'll give you an example:
The Louisiana Supreme Court last week upheld the death sentence for a pedophile, and the governor of Texas is soon to sign into law legislation to that effect.
This is great news! Since there is no known cure for pedophilia, there are only two ways to adequately respond to pedophiles- lifelong incarceration or death.
What was one “boylover” reaction?
“Note that the definition of "rape" varies wildly - in some jurisdictions, any sex act of any kind become "rape" if the "victim" is below a specified age, even if 100% consensual.”
Consensual? Children cannot consent to sex. Everyone knows that. Unless you’re a pedophile and you think grooming a child means the child “consented” to rape. Yes, rape. That’s what sex with a child is.
first off, did you just say "this is great news!" to people being killed? people who have not taken a life themselves? what sort of disturbed sick fuck are you?! these people have a disease, they have most likely been abused and hurt as well, and who are you to say that what they suffer from is not curable, you know nothing about it. as for the second part, do you know how many people are imprisoned for statutory rape, even though its consensual - yes, consensual, you close minded dipshit. the last time i checked, horny fourteen year old girls who look like they're twentyfive, despite often times being incredibly stupid most of time, have free will. by your standards, there are people who shouldn't be allowed to decide to have sex until their fifty, because they can't make reasonable judgements for themselves. we make mistakes, that's how we learn, but people cannot learn if they are told to repress and hide the things that drive them the hardest.
children are sexual beings just like the rest of us, perhaps even more so, because they are the purest form of human being. they are people that are learning and discovering themselves, finding out what they like and don't like, what they want and don't want, and the type of people they want to surround themselves with. children do not have the stigmas that we have, they don't know any better, they just do what feels good to them. how many times do you hear of people reminscing of their experimentations on the playground, the "i'll show you mine if you show me yours" stories. interference by an adult or by someone with obvious power or authority over that child can create lifelong scars, the same way disturbing any kind of learning process will arrest someone's development and cause them to fixate on that pain for a very long time. sex is just like any essential ingredient to our matter, our psychology and biology and philosophy. its part of who we are. you fuck with it and you fuck with everything else. but the main problem is not the abuse, that is a mere symptom, a molecule of the iceberg. its because we don't allow people to be open about what they are feeling about sex. if we didn't make people who are raped or molested feel they were dirty simply because those who have had sex are now tainted, no longer "innocent" as those fine warriors like to use the term, then maybe this wouldn't keep fucking happening.
you think killing anyone who molests a child, instead of learning about where the problem came from and trying to correct it, is going to stop it from happening? do you think censoring literature and artwork because it explicitly displays these themes of abuse, even though in many cases these forms of expression take into account the mental ramifications that occur in both the abused and the abuser, is going to keep it from people's minds and keep pedophiles from being aroused and intrigued? then you're fucking naive. this is not the kind of problem that can be stamped out, this is the kind of problem that has existed and will continue to exist for a very very long time unless we open our eyes and face it. unless we allow people who are abused to open up about it and learn how to cope, and we ourselves understand this monster that everyone is hiding from. it is in everyone. it is all of us. if you don't want to look in the goddamn mirror than go fuck yourself and stop fucking with what i like to read.
as for livejournal, i would just like to say thank you for your brilliant show of hypocrisy. i think
erastes said it best, and though i'm honestly not sure despite my anger whether i can give up my icons just yet, i'll leave it to her.
Dear Livejournal - if you are going to cave into pressure and remove accounts that have fiction that depicts incest and underage sex (don't let me get started on the fact that the great and Mighty America doesn't have the world rules on the age that people are allowed to have sex, please, 16 is the age of consent here, and it's 13 in some european countries) then please don't stop there. Don't discriminate. Make sure that all law breaking is treated equally.
Delete all accounts from all writers who have ever written fictional stories about:
Violence of any kind
Speeding in cars
Ethnic Cleansing
Underage smoking
Drug Use
Jay walking
.... discrimination....Yes. That's a crime too. Or it is over here.
where do you draw the line, Livejournal? Just where?
Delete the LJ of George Martin, the RSS feed of Neil Gaiman and many others. remove John Dallas Lockhart, and EVERYONE else on this list remove the Darwinians and replace them with creationalists.
So LJ-ers. Make a stand. Don't pay for your account. Create a back-up on Dead Journal, Greatest Journal, Journal fen, MySpace. Some place that knows the difference between imagination and reality.
edit 5/31:lj has now confessed to fucking up big time, and is taking in full responsibility for the situation, which is very sweet of them and more like the site that i have come to know and love. that of course doesn't neccessarily mean that
pornish_pixies or other nixed writing communities will be back, but its a start.
We recently received a complaint from outside the community about a number of journals. When we receive such complaints it is our obligation to look into them but it is our standards not theirs that we use to make decisions about the complaints. The source of this complaint was not the source of the problem we created.
We never intended this policy to cause the removal of journals that were have perfectly valid discussions about literature, law or culture. We never intended the policies to take down journals or communities clearly opposed to illegal activities but clearly we did. We love our members of fandom and respect their role in our community. We made a mistake and now we are going to try to fix it.