So tomorrow is Halloween but I probably won't have time to update (I technically don't have time now but I'm taking a quick break from homework for ya'll) so I'm updating today! Whee! I didn't have time to do a big fancy Halloween drawing but I did doodle a lot.
Plus there are other non-halloween related thingers inside.
The top part of this was going to be my finished Halloween drawing, but I raaaan out of tiiiiiime so you just get the sketch I made. Jim and Lorne circa age 5 and 6 dressed as Mario and a Koopaparatroopa. Their brothers decided to dress up as Famous Bassists (John Entwistle and Sid Vicious) that year apparently. I love these kids like burning I do.
In 2003 they dressed as Dr. Frankenstien and his Monster. 2004 (when Skin Deep starts) will be the first year they don't do a group costume since they met each other. Sad faces all around.
And this is why I love the Nightclub. If you're noticing a lack of Alec that's because I wanted to do a big complicated comic with him scaring the begeezis out of everybody BUT OH KORY, WAS THAT TOO AMBITIOUS? WHY YES, YES IT WAS. So instead you get Keith as Dr. Girlfriend (anybody who didn't see that costume coming fails at being my friend), Bhadraksh as a Resident, John as Johnny, Johnny being lame, and Paul Simon as Paul Finn.
And now to non-halloween related things.
Sfé started this "Hey everybody let's all get together and make freaks for this big awesome freakshow it will be awesome here's my contribution he's a punked-out lobster boy" and that just hit all sorts of "omg cool" chords in me so of course I had to draw a few freaks.
Joby Smith has sirenomelia which literally means "mermaid tail" or something like that.The lower extremities are fused together. It's fatal and nearly all babies born with it die immediately but this isn't real life so what the hell he has it and he's fine with it. He entertains the crowds of gawkers by breakdancing and performing feats of acrobatics. Yes I do realize he looks just like Gustav, the character I made for Sheana's Team D.U.D.E. shut up it wasn't intentional.
Elliot Rosemary doesn't techincally have anything physically wrong with her. She does enjoy biting the heads off of things, however, and is the Show's resident Geek. Feel pity for that chicken as it doesn't have long for this world. She also does odd jobs around the show like manning the sound systems and announcing exhibits whenever necessary. Also if the show is low on attractions she'll do the "Come see the amazing man-eating chicken!" routine where it ends up being a man eating a chicken.
Chet Jones is a prick. Also a goat boy, but that's just minor. He's got a condition that causes bony lumps to grow from his forhead, making convenient horns of sort. He'll wear a hat and mingle around the crowds until they get to his exhibit and will be all "Well where the hell is this guy" and surprise everybody with a "tadaa I have horns" routine. He's a body mod enthusiast with stretched earlobs and various piercings and a couple of tattoos (on his upper arms and back). He'll also eat anything for a laugh or attention, and nobody's sure if he does it for the Goat Boy schtick or if he just genuinely likes eating things that shouldn't be eaten. He's also a total arrogant prick who went to college for a year and a half and likes to flaunt that he was, indeed, in a fraternity.
My boyfriend Ben wrote me a series of poems focusing on Skin Deep for my birthday. One of them was about Janice (Michelle's mother) lamenting over the death of her husband Michael (Michelle's father) and that just led me to thinking about Michelle's family and I ended up doodling a page of Michaels.
Before he died Michael was a jewelery maker who worked from home and went out to art fairs to sell his wares. So he and Michelle had a lot of bonding time together while Janice was away at work (she's an art teacher. What's that Kory? Your mother is an art teacher and before that both your parents were weavers and this was your exact childhood? Shut up). Michelle would spend a lot of time hanging around in Michael's studio while he worked and he would give her beads and wire to make necklaces out of or a hammer and some nails to pound into a piece of wood so she would stay out of his hair. Sometimes he wouldn't do any work and just play make-believe with her all day. He died suddenly and unexpectedly of a brain aneurism a few weeks before Michelle's 6th birthday and she's never really forgiven him for that. The doodle at the bottom left there is a drawing of him post-mortem. When Michelle meets up with his spirit later on in the comic it's really hard for her, since in spirit he's nothing like the father she remembered as a child and she feels like she lost him all over again.