Mar 23, 2005 14:21
In the wake of the tragic controversy regarding Terri Schiavo, I thought I'd point out what most impresses me about this mess: a bill Bush signed into law when Govenor of Texas that allows patients doctors see as highly unlikely to recover to be taken off life support, even over the objection of their parents.
This law was recently used to remove six-month old Sun Hudson from life support, despite the pleas from his mother. Hudson would have been allowed to stay on life support, if his mother could afford it.
In the Schiavo case, courts have repeatedly ruled that her husband, as legal guardian, has the right to abide by what he believes would be her wishes and remove her from life support. This, according to the president, is a travesty.
But taking a child off life support over the objections of a legal guardian and parent? About that, the republicans have said not a word.