(no subject)

Mar 01, 2004 18:36

This weekend was amazing [I'm not being sarcastic either].
Fighting with one friend is hard enough, but having your five "best friends" team up and decide to hate you is just a wee bit overwhealming.
At first, like any normal person put in this situation, I was sad. I thought these people were good hearted and 'real' friends. I questioned myself since all at once I heard so many outrageuosly harsh attacks and comments completly defaming any chance of moral integrity within myself. i cried for hours in the arms of my boyfriend, whom my friends made to seem that this had rooted from. Though no exact point to what I've done wrong has been made. I questioned if I was truely as bad of a person as they claimed. I kept thinkinh 'why is this happening to me.' I NOW KNOW.
This exerience has been more than an eye opener. I honestly grew more in one weekend than i have in years. Life is a series of lessons, and this could not be a more important one to learn. Happiness comes from within. Love, friends, family, wealth, addictions, material possessions, they all make an impact but dont bring true happiness. In the future, because of this, I will be so much stronger. I see, now, not to be so foolish in who I trust and who I give the benefit of earning my respect to. I want to surround myself with people of inteligence and different values than the people I recently wasted so much time on. This is all clearing the confusion. I now see the qualities I want for myself and those around me. Deceit is such an understatement. I was stabbed in the back [as cliche as it sounds] with unforgivable actions. A true friend stabs you in the front. Everyone lied and blamed and slandered and misinterpreted and minipulized and did so many injustices. Every week these petty fights took place, and yet, somehow, I thought I knew friendship. I hope to become a better person throught this. I've had the constant comfert of fake friends surrounding me giving me a sense of security like things are okay. But they never were. I will work from the inside-out. I never felt so abandoned by people I thought would always be there, and this cut may scar. But it will remind me to never forgive or forget what I've learned. I may feel lonely for a while, but there are so any people in my life who actaully care about me. I have a loving boyfriend who understands how crazy I am, and doesn't mind. People who I must not have given enough credit to have proven to be better friends to me than I ever expected. People I didn't even realize truely cared about me have been supportive and understanding during this time. High school is such a short part of your life, I really need to stop taking it so seriously. I hope my positive outlook keeps up because I AM HAPPY :D Happiness truely comes from within. No person can take that away from me.
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