Oct 04, 2006 22:52
I havent used this in like 20 years, dont even know why im back on this thing but what the hell ill say sups to all my peeps out there who wont read this. So yeah i guess ill get all informative like everyone else on this hunk of shit thing and say stuff. College is alright, no big adventure to me (since im going to a shitty place). I mean the classes are a breeze, but i wanted a little challenge and i am not getting that as of yet. Imma be applyin to West Chester cause i want to go for their communications/video production stuff. Sure when you think of video stuff "go to california, go to NYC" fuck them both. When i was younger i used to want to go out to Cali, but im come to realize i am completly happy with the place i am at now. I guess its a form of hometown pride of whatnot. Just the whole philadelphia region makes me happy to call this my home. I guess cause its the music im into. Most if not all sing bout how they are proud of their hometowns, so you know what, fuck it, I love Philadelphia. Eh whats yo gonna do bout it. Along with all that junk, ive come to realize that i really am a border line atheist. Border line being 98.9% Thats all imma say bout that cause i dont want to get into any holy wars or shit like that with anyone, or politcal shit cause honestly i dont care cause right now im just chillin, i got too much shit on my mind to deal with all that bullshizzle. Im still getting over the shit i had to go through with michelle, that would take years to explain, but at least im over her in a way that i can move on. Im fine with her now, still a lil mad but if you understood it you would understand why a lil still, but pretty much anymore i dun care anymore. Right now im in a possible situation with a cute girl taht i dont know what the hell is going on. But its all good, im hopin, prayin to myself. YOu know the deal. My bros wedding is on sat, i really hope my ex brenda doesnt try to talk to me the whole time, cause imma really feel weird. Not only the fact that i fucked her and ive felt akward bout her ever since, but the fact that she's gonna be there and everytime i see her she hits on me with whatever man she is banging at the time right there next to her. And i get really akward. I dont want that at my bros wedding. And i figure someone is gonna want me to say someting at it, so i got to prepare a lil something i guess just incase. But after all that, life right now for me is good. Could be better, but its good. I love you all, and if you actually read this, then ill give you some money.
From the files of Bmug 10/04/06
The Good The Bad and The Leftover Crack