(no subject)

Jan 05, 2012 21:34

Need to vent.

The bin bags are collected from outside mine and my neighbours house. Quite often, they're so in the way that we can't reverse onto our driveway, meaning that in the morning we have to reverse onto a busy road. Today, Mum decided to move them so that she could reverse properly. Conveniently, a guy from up the street (no idea where, never met him before in my life) was coming down and helped us to move them. Mum got back in the car and start to manoeuvre.

Our neighbour comes out (old guy, quite short, lives on his own) and starts complaining at the guy (can't hear what because I'm in the car, but he looks pissed). The guy points him towards us, in the car, and our neighbour comes up to Mum's window, yelling all the way. Apparently we 'want all the road'. Mum says she'll talk, to him after we've parked. She parks, gets out and he's already moving all the bags in front of our driveway, including blocking part of the dropped kerb. Mum goes out to give him a piece of her mind and gets told that we're supposed to have half in front of ours and half in front of his. Fine, we say, but we had to move them to park. Apparently, we should be able to reverse on to our drive way, from a busy main road, ON THE WRONG SIDE. We asked him when was the last time he'd reversed like that and he started to say we wanted all the public road. No, we wanted to get on to our drive. Then he started to be abusive so I asked him what his problem was, he started abusing me, then my dad who was worried about what the shouting was about.

After we'd gone inside, he decided that he wasn't having ANY of the bags in front of his property any more. At this point, I'd had enough and called the non-emergency Police number. I described the situation, and they told me that I would be within my rights to request a police officer. I told him I thought that would just make things worse, and explained the whole situation. He suggested we ask environmental health to relocate the rubbish collection site. I've emailed environmental health about that, and will call them tomorrow to chase it up.

I'm hoping that this will sort things out. This is the same neighbour that reported us to environmental health for having some old handrails on our property (to the side, out of the way and behind a car). He also came back out to complain about our plumbing. The upstairs toilet knocks when you flush it, and apparently he can hear this. Through two brick walls and my bedroom. I think he's moaning for the sake of it, and I hope he's done venting but I doubt it.

If he tries anything, however, I wanted to have a record of my side of the story. I have the police log of my call, the emails to environmental health and the telephone call I'm going to make tomorrow morning. What's more, I'm trying to RESOLVE the situation, not just whining about it. I'm hoping this will halt any problems before they start. Either way, at least I know what he's like  now and I'm glad I'm moving soon. I don't want to have to be careful of a crotchety man every time I do something around my house. 

*headdesk*, there aren't even words, arrgh!

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