Updating requires reliving the past...

Apr 08, 2006 02:10

When the past sucks so much! Well, not all of the past, just yesterday. So Wednesday night my nephew comes over. Lots of video game playing and south park watching. Just a good old time. But at 2:15 on Thursday the shit hits the fan. I walk upstairs to put on my work shirt, and the stupid shelves fall off the way for no apparent reason, and smash my aquarium!! So gallons of water are flowing onto my bedroom carpet, I'm swearing up a storm and staring at the gushing water, and my nephew looks at me confusedly because he doesn't notice my house flooding.

To make a long story short, I was 90 minutes late for work, we had to buy a new aquarium (which actually is much prettier than the old one) and I was carpet cleaning until 3:00 am last night. Ugh. So I missed class today because I needed some sleep big time, and the furniture needed to be moved back. Lesson learned: don't put glass under shelves.

In better news, my experience at Otto Middle School with Abby was wonderful. It's amazing what she's doing with these at risk kids. I hope I can be half the teacher she is.

Sunday we take my nephew and Danny to WWE Smackdown at Van Andel. It's the first WWE show for all of us, and first live wrestling show for everyone but Danny. We're all super excited! Tomorrow night we make our signs after I get home from work. Who knows, maybe you'll see us on tv :D

The Hollows and Marge came over tonight for some Scene It fun and drinks. I got a bit toasty on the jaeger bombs but fortunately slowed down a bit before I hit a drunken stupor. I guess I can't hold my drinks in my old age.

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