Thoughts on the supernatural.

Oct 20, 2009 01:32

The Bermuda Triangle: Bullshit.
Atlantis: Possible. My guess is Antarctica.
Sentient life outside the Solar System: Without Question.
UFOs: They can't all be planes, meteors, swamp gas, or clouds.
Aliens among us: The dreamer in me says yes. The realist says no.
Aliens designing the pyramids: I think maybe we underestimate the mathematical prowess of our ancestors.
Jesus Christ the son of God: He was a teacher. I find it interesting to juxtapose Jesus and Socrates. Both teachers who threatened the state that killed them. Socratesian doesn't roll trippingly off the tongue, though.
Ghosts: Absolutely.
Orbs in pictures: Really?
Angels: Preposterous.
Hypnosis: Sure. The mind is a cavernous place.
The Loch Ness Monster: Nope. I don't look down on believers, though. Cryptozoology is fascinating. One word... Coelacanth.
God: Nope. Unless it's going badly for me. Then maybe.
Nature of the afterlife: Reincarnation preceded by judgement.
The devil: He's inside us all.
Bigfoot: Nope.
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