Aug 06, 2004 01:42
i still have a bag of tree bark chips under my bathroom sink from tarzan... along with many other odd things. i haven't looked under there in a long time. that's where i put all of the random junk that i didn't throw away in my effort to eliminate clutter in my room. i moved all the clutter to the bathroom. hardly makes sense... but then again does anything that i do. i think i'll do something about the abonination that is my room this evening. knives also started using the corner of my bathroom behind the toilet as a place to relieve himself since i threw away his nest that was under my bed. he really didn't like that, but he stopped chewing my sheets at any rate. pets suck! and the mouse ate his sofa! what a bastard!
me and leesa are doing fun things tomorrow... and the next day... and the next day.
i'm gonna miss the boy.
not much else to write... except that i really need to pee... and clean my room... and do laundry... and finish chrocheting this blanket... and leave my little brothers room so he can sleep, but walking up stairs and trying to type at the same time seems like it would be quite the challenge.