May 15, 2005 14:43
What happens in those last few seconds before we die?
Are we reminded of all our silly lies?
When death rears it's ugly head
When we're laying in our final bed
Do we see all the events of our past?
Does it all go by really fast?
Do we have a choice to stay?
Or are we simply ripped away
No matter how hard we fight?
No matter what might be our plight.
Do we see angels in shining splendor
Or are we too much in a stupor?
In that final gasp of breath
Are we sent down to eternal death?
Or do our souls float up to paradise
Where I hear the weather is always nice.
Or is it in all honesty neither?
Are we put under by an eternal ether?
Never again to see the sunrise
'Cause no one but us can hear our cries.
Or will we even be able to scream?
Will we even be able to dream?
No, somehow, someway I'm sure
In my heart of hearts there's something pure
That I can't believe is bound by time
That doesn't belong on this world of crime.
Maybe it's what they call a soul
This thing inside that fills the holes,
The piercings inside my heart,
Caused by others' words thrown like darts.
Yes, that must be it.
Its the reason words no longer hurt a bit.
Ill scream the news from every rooftop,
On every corner, street, or shop.
I believe in my soul, my soul
My soul...