Liveblogging 8.05

Oct 31, 2012 22:29

An Edlund ep? This makes me excite! :D :D Looking forward to any Dean/Cas scenes


LOL Show, going with the locations that you got, setting events in the Pacific Northwest

ooooo Benny got badass...

rofl AP placement prophet giving the Winchesters the run-around

awww... Benny not as badass as previously thought

Dean, way to not peak Sam's curiosity there

lol way to persuade yourself you're not creepy

OOooo Sam the handyman...

Dean to the rescue...


I do ♥ this scene here; Cas and your inability to understand sarcasm continues to amuse

lololol Vampirates

blergh romance plot bleargh

lol Dean on the water

oop Benny, getting beat up again

whoop got caught Benny, but I like how Dean's capable of hiding from the vamps

lololol this Sam and Dean convo: I'm with a friend. ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE DEAD!

and then I think about that statement and am sad

Sam is being forever creepy and stalker-ish

the romance-y bits are kind of trite and blah blah blah

Also, if she's Greek, where's her Greek accent? Unless she's supposed to be Greek American? I iz confoozed

oop Dean's gone to start the vamp killing

OOooo another Tarentino movie huzzah

lol Microsoft finally is getting into the tablet biz but still kind of requiring a keyboard...

Dean is a machine at killing all those vamps

un noooooo Levis coming for themmmm

the first hint of chemistry between Sam and Amelia! Been looking for this. So they're two people whose things in common are having no one and nothing in the world and therefore dunno what to do.

Benny apparently was a fail of a vamp if he's so much more badass now than he was before he was killed.

blah blah blah romance-y bit and oop dead woman again

Awwwww.... Dean resurrected Benny cuz he saved Cas' life... d'awwwwww

Sam, you can't kill the vamp that saved Cas no way

An epic Sam bitchface... and end scene XD

So there were some pluses; there were some minuses which were mostly the failed romance of Benny's. For an Edlund ep, it could have been better, but oh well.

Next ep, Garth and him having more common sense than the Winchesters! not like that would take a lot...

cas my bb, reaction post, s8, spoilers, dean you hot thang, spn

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