Contacts and information

Sep 09, 2008 21:21

Feel free to contact me any time. I'm online... pretty much all the time. Yeah, not that much of a life over here.


The Mun:
Name: Jean
LJ: luminol_effect 
AIM: theluminoleffect

Kensei according to canon from the television show Heroes:

Current name: Takezo Kensei
Special Ability: Rapid cell regeneration
Gender: Male
Born: 1644
Age:  27
Occupation: Samurai swordsman

Landing himself from an English trade ship to the shores of Japan, (one that most likely was illegally docked, due to Japan having a ban on allowing foreigners at the time), he took on the name Takezo Kensei, hoping to find more luck with his quest for fortune than he had back in England. The name 'Kensei' means 'sword saint', he spread rumor of his abilities by hiring others to pose as him when marching into battle, while he himself would use less heroic ways of disarming or disabling his opponent.

Along with being a swordsman, he is an alcoholic, and more often than not found drunk.

Hiro had appeared in his life one day, claiming to him that he was meant to be a hero of legends in Japan, meant to save it from the losing war against the evil warlord Whitebeard. Hiro then continued to help him discover his ability, rapid cell regeneration which allowed him to heal from death, and then making him effectively immortal. Kensei slowly began to reform due to Hiro's guidance, drinking less, falling more in love with Yaeko, (the princess in the legends) and completing the tasks set for him. However, Hiro had fallen for Yaeko, and Yaeko the same to Hiro, leaving Kensei heartbroken and angry at the betrayal. At that point, Kensei had stopped trying to be a hero, in favor of returning to his previous goals of being  wealthy and powerful instead of bothering with meaningless quests and traitorous "friends". He joined forces with Whitebeard in an attempt to rule Japan, only for Hiro to destroy Whitebeard's camp and army, and leave him to die painfully in an explosion of fire and gunpower.

From that point on, Kensei swore revenge on Hiro Nakamura.


There are three stages in which Kensei will be from in various roleplays:

1. Before meeting Hiro.
He'll be a hapless drunk, still mortal as far as he knows.

2. After meeting Hiro, after defeating the ninety angry ronin.
Dedicated to being a hero, loves Yaeko, as well as Hiro. Realizes he is immortal.

3. After Hiro's betrayal.
The word 'hate' is not enough to describe how he feels about everything. Puppies, kitties, rainbows, flowers, doesn't matter. He wants them all to burn.


Verses currently in:

Fun_Rp: Takes place on an island filled with hotels, bars, anything for personal amusement, where the sole purpose for the inhabitants is to have fun. Kensei enjoys the bar. He enjoys it quite a lot. However he's slightly concerned at the fact there's another man walking around with his face named Adam. ((Stage 2))

Consequences: Takes place right after the scene inside the Company vault, Hiro teleports Adam to Feudal Japan, a year after they originally met. Hiro attempts to change Adam from a villain to someone remotely decent enough to stop trying to kill everyone. However, when it becomes apparent that this is not possible, Hiro instead returns to the original Kensei, in hopes of not breaking history again this time. ((Stage 1.))

Open: No particular spot in time or space, just there and existing. (( All three stages.))

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