Dec 22, 2004 23:19
So today was kinda wierd...I hung out with josh (ex boyfriend, he's really mean, ive mentioned him a few times) we went out to eat and of course we were fighting the whole time. All we ever do is fight, but its kinda fun bc i always win. well we went out to eat n went xmas shopping it was pretty lame tho. Then i get to work and come to find out everyone at work found out about one of my little "secrets" that i am totally ashamed of, and it is soo humiliating! I think im going to quit officemax and go somewhere else, there is just way too much drama!i found out today that im not going to be off of probation by new years, and it sucks...I am so depressed! I told my mom that id probably violate my probation, bc there is no way im staying home on new years...i mean fucking come on! I am gettting all pissed off right now thinking about it....ugh!!! well im gonna go drink a lot of vodka and pass out alone in my room....