Ok I'm mixed so when i was younger i used to wonder wat do i put as my "ethinicity" (spelt so wrong) so I found out your suppose to go by wat your father is as for religion you put wat your mother is (until u decide on your own) So I'm Colombian (my dad is) and today i bought one of those wristbands thats says Colombia on it. And my mom got mad because I didnt get one that said Puerto Rico. Too bad but I only had a dollar. :). OMG my family gossip is that my uncle who is 28 has been having an affair with a 14 yr old and she slept over in his house for two nights straight. My mom is sooo mad its hillarious. You should have seen her face when she caught the girl trying to escape his room. To make thing look more pedophile-ish she wore pigtails with pink ribbons. Buh Bye :)
congratulations. you are the kiss my ass happy
bunny. You don't care about anyone or anything.
You must be so proud
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