Title: You Are Red, Violent Red
Author: shelia452
ivorykissFandom: Smallville
Pairing: Kaloe
Rating: NC-17 for liberal use of intoxicants, language and graphic darker sexual imagery.
Spoilers: Exile
Word Count: 9,477
Disclaimers: Don’t own them, but if I did, they’d have more fun. The title and little moodlet of this piece are lyrics from MakeDamnSure by Taking Back Sunday.
A/N: Written for the
drunk_fic prompt #258 (Kal gets Chloe drunk) and, well, just because every Chlarksmut writer must have at least one ‘Kaloe/Exile/lost summer’ fic. This is mine. Hope you enjoy!
You Are Red, Violent Red
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3,
Part 4a,
Part 4b,
Part 5