Nov 15, 2004 15:28
yep, thats just what i needed, one more teacher hateing me. oh well. today at my band concert one of the other little drummers forgot the music for the song i was playing on the snare. i just kinda made stuff up the fit with the song. I thought it sounded pretty cool, but my band teacher didnt really seem to agree with me. He was pretty pissed, an tomorrow i know hes gonna bitch me out so bad. On the other hand, this hot guylikes me:) yay. hes kinda oldish for me, tho. i dunno. an i got 1 4.0 GPA. mmhmmm, special me. eh heh. an i got icecream, yum yum. o, an im starting guitar! yay. my mums getting me one for hanukka. its a silver gibson stratofone or something. yep. am im kinda sad about something but cant say wut. its all good tho. more later:)