Mar 18, 2004 21:28
- - - - Chronicles of El Cajonia - - - -
Time flows . . . like a Spring breeze on the banks of Helix. What is time? How may we alter it? If we can in the beginning. Why not now? Wait, what am I talking about. Anyways . . . .
- Jaar Van Zammstein IV; Capt. of the Piracy Combine
Deep in the inland valleys of Sannos Diegahs, there is a small colonized land of El Cajonia; East of the Helix and Grossmonnos summents. El Cajonia is a land of deep heritage, political corruption, and culture bounding beyond the rythmic tourrents of time and creation.
So what signifigant purpose is there to behold in this far off land? Perhaps a run down of the past is in order of proper respects in order to inform the reader. El Cajonia was founded back in the Fall Days of Oka`tah 4F. It's founders were a small band of tradesmen of the Elven kindred. Promptly known as the El Calliijon Clan.
The populous soon grew and attracted attention to newcomers. These were the Northland clans of Men, only known as the Seatte Norg. Bringing with them, the Seatte Norg quickly established a war like society that brought minor conflict to the Elven El Calliijon clan. After settling though, an alliance grew between them and crossings in families through bondings of marriage were concluded.
Thus the Aelf Borne were brought into the world of Sannos Diegahs. Primarilly the Aelf Borne have been outcasts in the outlands East of the protective valleys of El Cajonia. But within the barriers of the natural fortification they began to populate immensely.
And of a certain birth, under a certain day, and born under a certain sign . . . a hero was born. And now begins our story . . .
----JARED, the MaDD Smyth KiDD----