Pink elephants, and a pina colada.

Mar 05, 2004 19:42

Today was like any other really. Just a typical Friday of sitting at home doing some homework, and talking to rude fucktards that like to begin a conversation with "bored". It really IS annoyingly painful that I have to sit here bored off my ass. Talking to an intellectual blackhole that is constantly growing in the social structures of this world. Thus I have come to the conclusion that on the doorstep of my mind I have this sign posted:

Addressing the problem of High School. Please don't get me started. The slow constant droning of stupid teachers and gorilla brained fucktard teenagers that don't give a rat's ass about their future life and education career.

And what the fuck is up with some of these minority bitches always uses the color of their skin or their race as a fucking excuse because of personality flaws of their own accord and fault. I'm not a racist man by far, I'm probably the least prejudice person I have ever met. I personally believe that everyone is prejudice to a certain degree. For it is human nature to be fearful of things we have no clear understanding, or of something that is different from ourselves. But back to the point, why is it that some minorities in America feel they have to bitch and complain on how they're being the underdogs in today's society. It's annoying, because it's showing how freakishly lazy people are becoming.

Same goes for stupid white people that bitch and moan about the most lamest of the lame shit. Or those Femi-nazi's having to bitch because women are "forced" to show their bodies and be portrayed as sex symbols for pig headed males that sit on a Saturday evening masturbating to them.

Whatever happend to the concept of working for a living? This country, nay this planet has become into a massive ball of whiney bitches that look to into the details to find the actual facts of the situation.

Your rainy days of stupidity are seeping into the cracks of my sanity. Making them show ever by the minute.

Right now, I really feel like lying in bed with the lights off. A nice heavy rain would help too. God I miss Seattle.

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