Mar 26, 2007 01:16
How quickly they begin to annoy me. These... boys.
I wish one of them would use their brains once in a while. It grates so to hear their stupidity rattling around in the empty vault of their skulls and then go ricocheting off the walls of the vehicle or the restaurant or echoing loudly into the night.
"Where is the gray?" (Yes, my friend, it sounds like some catch-phrase from some song or other). Men are so blind and stupid, I'm surprised more of them don't get run over in the street like headless chickens. Or maybe just under-exposed Singaporean men with their dictated thoughts and feelings on "how the world is". Even when they travel they manage to keep their friggin blinkers on. How the Fuck does one manage it? HOW? How can you travel and not be changed? so 2D that I despair for any children these useless people can possibly raise. (yes I'm just full of bile and vitriol today) It's like they don't think! I mean seriously, don't you question ANYTHING people tell you? At All? UGH! That irritates me the most of all. The lack of... I don't know... free will as I see it. The lack of desire to flex that muscle that makes you an individual. Get an opinion dude! And if you voice anymore damned platitudes at me I'm going to fucking stick the fork into your hand. How does everyone put up with it? Geez.
2D men trained on 2D women. He's all like: I can't believe you don't care about the way your hair turns out. Dude. Only FOOLS set any stock in beauty and skin. It all fades and besides "all look same" mean anything to you? The only thing any of us have are our minds and our personalities. Beyond that it's all so much outer-covering and fluff. Besides, you want to know the truth? I'm not that good-looking to begin with. You learn quickly what assets to work with so that you can truly say: "it's your loss". Because if you want some good-looking broad who has nothing on her mind but makeup and clothes and how to look cool holding a martini, then you're welcome to be trapped in a life of utter and complete boredom. We all only have 24 hours in a day. You can only concentrate on so many parts of yourself a once. If you concentrate on the outsides, then the insides are going to be pretty lacking.
Ahlu! Save Me!
ANYWAY, let's not think of such boring things...
I enjoyed interviewing the architects. Hearing the soft rolled "R"s, the rounded vowels. I liked the Italian with his greasy hair and his teal-faded pull-over. His talks of Shanghai. His musings on the difference between Chinese and European culture. I'm such a voice person. (Kinda almost a Fish Called Wanda-ish, but not quite that fetishey). I could have rolled over in his lap and closed my eyes (if it was at all all right to do so). Why can't I meet a boy with a nice accent like that?
And they're so camp. Haha, and I easily imagined John slipping into work with them. Sorry Wen, but you have to admit, he's become very... mrm... expressive with his hands. We'll know by the end of the week whether I had an entirely distorted view of architects. I just always thought they were these big monosyllabic brooding kinda guys. Sort of "leave me to my art" *growl* kinda people. But I've never come into concentrated contact with these people so I suppose my Hollywood version is all wrong.
At the same time, there's only so much shame I can take as a Singaporean, hearing my country being bashed so. But I suppose it's true. Singapore still has a lot of growing up to do. We need to stop being so apologetic about everything and to stop trying to please anyone else but us. I don't get the whole craving world attention thing. I really don't. Enough. We are who we are. What's wrong with that? Why do we have to be ranked against someone else, somewhere else? I thought it was about being "Uniquely" Singapore? Seriously, you can't compare two sets of unique items. Apples. Oranges. *rolls eyes*
Work tomorrow. Sigh. Work sucks.