Isn't it just adorable when I think I can make a difference?

Mar 24, 2010 20:45

Congressman Miller,
I have two bones to pick with you:

1. Healthcare "reform" without a public option?? Tell me, why vote for any Democrat if they can't even enact their own primary agenda when they have the MAJORITY?

2. You have consistinently *ignored* every concern I have sent to you regarding federal employee matters - I have never so much as recieved even a canned automated response from you on these topics.
I find this incredible, given that your district houses the bedrooms for the largest federal employer in the area, if not THE single largest job machine in the area: Travis AFB. You certainly do like to spam my inbox with your pet issues, though.

Your laziness when it comes to your constituents' immediate concerns demonstrates how considerably out-of-touch you are. Your failure to pass a public option shows how ineffective you and the rest of your party are.

You, sir, have convinced me not to vote for you in your next election. If I wanted someone who would ignore my workers' rights and kill the Public Option - I would have voted Republican. Thanks for nothing.


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