Mar 20, 2007 00:11
just dont tell me this doesnt mean the world
cause my ears would bleed, and my heart would hit the floor
that line made me cry really hard a few minutes ago.
it just happened to play at the perfect time, when that was what i was feeling.
everything is better now, for me at least, i have hope in this.
i know everything will work out.
fuck, of course it will, we've always beat the odds.
its so weird what makes me realize how much i love you guys, and im not just referring to 1337 or anybody in particular.
just its weird what makes me love my friend; its always things that nobody else would ever care about, i dont know.
so im pretty sure my brain got fried last night
cause i havent made any sense all day today.
crazy strobe lights.
and all ive got to say after all of this craziness..
is that my priorities are FUCKED.
i dont even think you understand.
it amuses me to no end how fucked up they are,
but the best part is, i wouldnt have them any other way.
i love my life