(no subject)

Oct 26, 2005 18:32

Well I am down to 1 day left before I go into surgery.
My nerves are kicking my butt,worrying so much that I can not sleep.

I had to call the doctor to help ease the thoughts I pondered in my head.

I do have to admit I am scared to death of someone cutting my foot open to take something out.
Why can't this foot shit be done and over with.
Not like a year of dealing with it has not driven me crazy.
But I guess this is my fault for moving so much,playing my drums, actually trying to live life as a normal human.
I did to much to soon. And this is the reflection of what can happen if you do this.

So I guess, wish me luck.

I wish it was already over! Until next time, I will keep you gals in the loop.
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