(no subject)

Nov 26, 2004 04:09

Hey everybody.

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. I did. I would go into more detail but I'm getting ready to go into my first day at Freds. 5-11AM. Wish me luck and I hope I survive this day, without passing out. I've barely slept, I've been caughing and sneezing all night..but, I don't care. I still have to work.

All my other 'fellow workers' that have to bare through the crowds today, I solute you.

Edit later, hopefully..

EDIT: 9:00PM

Today sucked. I got to Freds around 4:30, got let in, and everybody started pouring in around 5. I was made do all kindsa crap work, like, watch and make sure people didn't steal stuff..straiten up little shelves, and mostly, be cart wrangler. Thats right, I had to go out in 30-something degree weather, WHILE I'm still sick, caughing my head off and all that. I only ended up working MAYBE 3 hours, seemed like alot longer..but around 7:00, they said they didn't need anymore people, so me, Jessie and Jessica got sent home. Yeah, needless to say, we were all pissed. Get up at the crack of dawn, freeze my butt off all morning, for maybe a small 'check' of five dollars. If that much.

Oh, and even BETTER news? I might not have a steady job at this place, I talked to the manager after handing in my application, and 'proving that I could do the work'..she says; Well, we have your application and we appriciate your help, but right now I'm just looking for tempterary help..so if we need you, we'll call you.


::sigh::..so, I went to brunos after Jessie and Jessica left to meet Josh in trusville, to try and go to Kelly's dad's funeral. Got to talk to Dustin for a while, since the store was basically dead and there wasn't many customers. I explained everything that happened..after walking around the store and basically killing time for about an hour..my dad comes and picks me up. I made it home around 10.

I take a dose of nyquil, fight nausia..and pass out on my bed for about 8 hours. woke up around 5, when Dustin called me and told me news about his new truck. So that was the ONE bright point of the day..he said we might try to do something tonight, but I haven't heard from him yet so those plans look doubtful. But, he finally got his own car. Now he can get his liscense and we can GO PLACES. YAY.

I love you Dustin, and I'm so proud of you for everything you've accomplished. We're gonna make it through all of this. We have eachother, and that counts for a whole lot..

I figured out the main demise of alot of relationships. People in love, they don't fight..they just try to UNDERSTAND eachother, and usually don't have the patience to figure out the problem.

That is all for now..

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