sure it has been a long time since I posted. a wise one would say don't ask; merely observe.
sssso I don't know what this world is coming to.
check out this web page. go thru the picture-links it is actually kind of fun.
.. now I have no idea what's really goin on here ! it achieves what it claims to, every single time.
maybe a computer wiz can help
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Comments 5
how ironically this mirrors my situation and my fate.
I really thought about deleting the whole fuckin thing before anyone see s it.
but then again the truth prevails and that is an escapist solution.
I should try an learn a lesson from thisd whole exercise. maybe I should write down what was there ... or at least try not to forget to take note next time it happens.
cos ever since then, there really is nothing left in this life that I (wish to) value and as a result I perpetuate the habit of forgetting what was actually there..
I really didn't mean to be anonymous on that post. ooops
... ummm sorry I don't like the smell of bullshit
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