May 19, 2005 22:02
I'm finally beginning to let go.. fo' real now lol. So now my search continues, picking up random frogs and hoping they turn into princes... haven't picked up the right one yet. But wait- I betcha I've been picking up the wrong species, since the fairy tale includes Toads, not frogs. AHAH!
I really wish I was back in Appleton... but then again I don't. I did have a stable lifestyle out there- of a loser. I was pretty content being a loser... had a couple good friends, and a boyfriend! Well- I doubt anything would have come of it if the urgancy of a time limit didn't present itself. You don't realize what you had until it's gone, they always say. It isn't always entirely true- see.. in some instances, you know exactly what you had until it was gone, then you saw you had no idea at all. I can relate to that one. I feel like a hopeless romantic clinging on to past memories and hoping for the impossible. I am... but I'm getting better. Early drum major rehearsal tomorrow morning, and I have plenty of homework to complete tonight... I work 5-10 tomorrow night, and then I plan on finishing Doug's project Saturday along with seeing Star Wars!!! I work 5-12 on Saturday, and 11:30-4 on Sunday. Wacky times for sunday but I wont complain bout coming in late, getting out early. My schedule is as follows:
Comp 1/Guided Lit Lubbers/Dejoung
Spanish 4 Houske
Trig/Adv. Math topics Kern
Chorus-Magnum (hm...)
Physics 1 Stueve
early out (hoping to change that..)/Econ Kielman
Somehow my schedule says Magnum... I have heard I still have a chance to get into Magnum.. my hope has not died yet. Some people may drop, and he may just add me to make things simple- and by then I will have completed a summer of training through Weber. I can only hope. This is my ideal schedule- no cox, mathison, or burow. Kielman is questionable though... lol. Night, all.