Apr 01, 2005 23:02
Yes, I loved Miami. I really hoped to get in. But hey, not everyone can get in. In fact, here's the truth of what happened. My guidance counselor called Miami to see why I didn't make it (she's a very nice person for doing that). Turns out that 60 people auditioned for percussion and guess how many were taken? 4. 4 people out of 60. My mom did some calculations and looked at some sites, it turns out that it's harder to get into the music program at Miami than Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. So, we'll see what happens in the future.
About a half hour after moping around about Miami, I got over it. I went onto the Berklee website and checked everything out. Berklee is a great school. It's great for what I want and need. I'm really excited about it. I won't know if I get in tillo April vacation, but if a Berklee director, Mr. C and Mr. A, and my friends at Berklee say I'll get in, I know that I will. It's going to be so awesome in Boston. Cat's going to be a mile and a half away! Britt is also going to be really close. I can't wait. Once I get the letter, I'll definitely be relieved that it's all over and that I'll know where I'm going.
I have a Berklee Scholarship Audition tomorrow at 11:30. Wish me luck.