Jul 11, 2005 10:35
I wish I were an Oscar Meyer weiner. That is what I'd truly like to be.
I am so damn bored. The only stuff to do around here during the day is cleaning the house and other type chores. And I can't even do that right now because Mark is still asleep. So I am updating.
Yesterday Mark and I started making the picnic table. We got all the wood cut and sanded. Today we need to cut the benches and sand that, then start assembling everything. It will be muchos funos.
Someone's car alarm keeps going off about every 5-10 minutes. It's the same alarm every time. This doesn't happen all that often around here, especially in the summer when the population of the town drops by over 1/3 because the students go home. I like going to a school of 40,000.
So... my brother graduated. Did I piss and moan about that yet? I'm lots of negative and positive emotions about that. There goes the alarm again. I am excited because he gets to go to college to do exactly what he wants to do. I hope. I am sad because he won't be living in our childhood home anymore- just one more step away from the way things used to be. He only has a 4 day school week, though, so he has no excuse not to be home when I am :)