Apr 03, 2006 21:15
No sleep saturday night. at dylan's school by 4am. slept on the school bus all the way to UCF. bumpy as heck mind you. yeah so not much sleep there. I've never been to UCF before, wow, FGCU seems so tiny and insignificant now. Out in the sun all day, pictures and filming their drummline. Volunteering for shtuff out of the goodness of my heart. Finally seeing Dylan perform. FREAKING AWESOME. omg their show is so great. The waiting for the awards. the anticipation of who got first and if their score went up anymore. FIRST PLACE MARINER with a score of 90.4. very exciting and well worth the crazy day. I hardly was able to talk to dylan. We finally got to sit and talk to each other on the bus ride home. home and to bed with my baby. sleep is good, and I don't know why I even bothered getting up so early for school. I fell asleep in chemistry and then my dumbass locked myself out of my room while I was taking a shower.... yeah lame.so I ended up missing statistics. missed a quiz but the lowest grades get thrown out so there's one. oh well what are you going to do.
Dylan's b-day is this weekend!! I have to get him a present and I have no idea of what to get him. I love him <3
yeah so there is my life of the weekend. well off to finish some hw and then off to bed.