
Feb 28, 2006 22:31

He made me feel positively delightful today.

I feel good about myself right now, I am all caught up on my homework and kind of ahead with other homework.

Oh and I was watching CNN the other day and the guy like I guess is the "head" of the gang who wants to get rid of abortions or w/e, was like on tv. and he was arguing with this lady who is like for women's rights and all that. And I was listening to the dude, and he is like way out of line. he was like freaking out, calling abortion murder and evilness. oh and I real good one was when he said that women raped by a stranger or their father would have to keep the baby. who wants to carry a stranger's or their father's baby? mmm not me. I understand that their trying to get rid of abortion since so many people just use it as a form of birth control, and like how our world is like lowering itself. yeah I know I'm weird. but I feel that it should remain legal because well think about how the suicide rates will increase, more missing persons, more dead babies found, more "at home abortions (coat hanger), and I think that america would be even more crazier. yeah I'm done ranting about this.

Dylan made me feel so special and wonderful today.
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