long time no see

Apr 29, 2005 05:54

well long time no see...well lets see what have happened since we last talked...not much i guess..oh wait ...yes....something that i cant think of...oh yeah im pregnant...lol...well yeah thats what has seriously been on my mind since last thursday april 21 at about 130...thats all i have thought about...its weird when something like that just takes over every thought in your mind...so yeah alot has happened since then...jonathan talked to the baby for the first time in my tummy...and his feelings went from nervous to extreamly excited ina matter of a couple of days....he has officially kicked into daddy mode...seriously like reading my pregnancy books with me and like playing with cute little babies at church...which by the way is something that I never really have seen jonathan do...so yeah its really sweet...oh yeah and on April 28th i got my first official craving for chocolate and skittles...so yeah i jsut gave in and went to hugos and came home and stuffed my face tilli felt that i could no longer breathe...lol...kidna sad but funny in a way...well something else that has happened is that we found out that jonathan might deploy to iraq in a week for 6 months so he would liek totally iss all of my pregnancy...but he would be able to be here for the first 9 months...which was a question if eh didnt deploy right now...we knew that he was going to have to leave after the baby was born...im not really sure how i feel about this....for some odd odd reason i have a peace about it all which is very weird...cause i am usually a nervous wreck...seriously i am...and you know i feel really liberated because i am writing in all lower case...and only adding caps when i want tO...lol...like that...i just all of a sudden feel in control...you know what i really wana keep a pregnancy journal but i dont know where to start...ah random thought ringing in and out of my little head...well big so joe says...i dont believe anything that he says cause he has twisties on his head and i dont believe men with twisties as a hair style...okay i had to get that out of my system...you know i really like coldplay and i am bitter a "a fried" that still has an old colplay cd of mine...im not going to name any names...stanton...lol...i am not bitter...you know that chris is like a awesome wonder lol i love his voice and just the way that he plays the piano and i am so mad that gweneth has him cause she could liek come home and ask him to play clocks and hed be all like...;okay yeah i love you ill do anyhting for you...i want lol ...oh well...i can come home and tell joanthan to build me soemthign and he will..so yeah stick it to gweneth...i bet chris cant build stuff...no i dont bet i know he cant cause hes all busy with like the music life...oh wait jonathan is all busy with the military life...oh great here i go babeling again oh yeah and if you dont know by now i cant spell worth s***...so yeah and i did star the last three letters of the word sh**...oh you thought i was going to say it didnt you...you know i came to a new understanding of my life a new level of happiness that i didnt even know that i was at a new realization and where i am and what i have...its a good feeling
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