Sep 23, 2005 15:32
Hi my day was good except for the fact that i got a friken 9 out of 30 in english !@#$ %^&* any way tody in drama lit when the elefants went and practice by ourselves one of us had to leave and david (our assistant director(my butt)) had to take his place and when we march he marched it was sooooo funny. He looked like he acually was trying to be a retared but he wasnt and it was halarious. And now more useless facts that i bet u did not know:
People speak at a rate of about 120 words per minute
The average person supposedly falls asleep in seven minutes
the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet can not tan
The resolving power of the human eye is 0.0003 of a radian or an arc of one minute (1/60th of a degree), which corresponds to 100 microns at 10 in. (confused yet?) A micron is a thousandth of a millimeter, hence 100 microns is 0.00397, or less than four thousandths of an inch, the human eye can detect a bright light shining through an aperture of only three or four microns (WHAT?)
Your left lung is slightly smaller than your right lung to make room for your heart
Your fingers can detect a vibration with a movement of 0.02 of a micron
The loudest snore ever recorded is 87.5 decibels
The human feet perspire half a pint of fluid a day
One person in two billion will live to be 116 or older
The septum linguae is located on the tongue
Babies are born without knee caps. They don't appear until the child reaches 2-6 years of age
More people are killed annually by donkeys than are killed in airplane crashes
The smelliest animal in the world is the Zorilla, it can discharge a nauseous fluid from it's anal glands which can be smelled over a radius of half a mile
Crickets hear through their knees
A female ferrit is known as a "jill"
Butterflies taste through their feet
The donkey gets its name from "key" meaning color, and "dung"
An Ostrich's eye is larger than it's brain
A cat has 32 muscles in each ear
Cat's urine glows under a blacklight.
Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten
The longest recorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds
It is physically impossible for a pig to look up at the sky
A dragonfly has a life-span of 24 hours
A goldfish has a memory span of three seconds
The average flight speed of a house fly is five miles an hour
Stan, the first Spanish dog ever fitted with contact lenses, was hit by a car the day after he was fitted with them
The common goldfish is the only animal that can see both infra-red and ultra-violet light.
There are only three animals with blue tongues, the Black Bear, the Chow Chow dog and the blue-tongued lizard
The pupil of an octopus' eye is rectangular.
A frog's favorite color is blue
Butterflies can fly at twenty mph
The hummingbird is the only bird which can fly backwards
Hummingbirds have the fastest metabolism of any animal, they require from 6,000 to 12,400 calories per day (depending on the species)
An electric eel will short circuit if put into salt water
A kangaroo can't jump unless it's tail is touching the ground
Camel's milk does not curdle.
Reindeer milk has three times the protein of cow milk
The dog name "Fido" comes from the Latin meaning "I trust thee"
Starfish have no brains
Porcupines masturbate (I'm not kidding)
It takes 4 hours to hard boil an ostrich egg
The male earwig's rear-end pincers are curved
It has been calculated that in the last 3,500 years, there have been only 230 years of peace throughout the civilized world
A jiffy is one-hundred-thousand-billion-billionth of a second
there is 1/10 of a calorie on the back of a stamp
An Olympic gold medal must contain 92.5 percent silver
Sigmund Freud bought his first sample of cocaine for $1.27 a gram
The toilet on the Space shuttle boasts a footrest, handholds, a seat belt and a suction fan
There is an odd number of steps in every staircase in Thailand
There are five holes in a bagpipe bag
The Wright brothers airplane boasted a whopping twelve horsepower engine
Tarzan means "white skin"
There is 1/8 of a tea spoon in a dash
Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise
The Leaning Tower of Pisa leans towards the south
Harvey Kennedy invented the shoelace
Louis the XIV took only three baths in his lifetime
Adolf Hitler parted his hair on the right
Prince Charles collects toilet seats
The yo-yo was originally a weapon in the Philippines
There are only thirteen blimps in the world.
Nine of the thirteen blimps are in the United States.
The largest existing blimp is the Fuji Film blimp
The word "Checkmate" in chess comes from the Persian phrase "Shah Mat", which means "the king is dead".
The only "real" food that U.S. Astronauts are allowed to take into space is pecan nuts.
Barbie's measurements if she were life size: 39-23-33.
Anne Boleyn had six fingernails on one hand
There are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball
In the 656 BC Olympics, Chionis registered a distance of 23 feet 1 1/2 inches in the long jump
Ghosts tend to deteriorate after about 400 years, the most outstanding exception to the rule being a troop of Roman soldiers marching trough the cellar of the Treasurer's House, York Minster, they are still marching through the cellar after nearly 19 centuries
No piece of paper can be folded more than twenty times
Pope Leo XIII stopped the practice of castration as a means for producing male sopranos
Pope Stephen II reigned for only one day
The only acceptable sexual position in Washington D.C. is the missionary-style position. Any other sexual position is considered illegal.
There are 240 dots on an arcade Pac-Man game
The next year which will read the same way upside down as rightside up is the year 6009, the last was 1961
During the 1700's, doctors often prescribed swinging on a swing to cure ladies of such problems as melancholy and "vapours" or fainting spells.
The sandwich was created in 1762 by the Earl of Sandwich. He was playing non-stop poker. His wife insisted that he must eat. So he told her to put a piece of meat between two pieces of bread, so that he could eat with one hand, and hold his cards with the other.
The term "slapstick" originated in renaissance Italy as Commedia del Arte', and it was the precursor to slapstick - the slapstick was a stick with a loose piece of wood tied to the end that made a loud bang when you whapped an actor without - loads o' laughs. It had a brief resurgence in 17th century France when Moliere rediscovered the medium, and began creating new works in the same genre.
The fortune cookie was first created in 1916 at the George Jung Noodle Factory in Los Angeles
Arnold Shwarzenegger was the tallest Mr. Universe ever
In 1904, the head of the patent office said that the office should be closed down because everything that could possibly be invented had already been invented.
Sheep statistics - Body temperature: 100o F- 103o F, Pulse/heart rate: 70-80 beats per minute. Respiration rate: 12-20 breaths per minute, gestation: 145 days, Weight, adult sheep between 150-200lbs.
A cat is 9% skeleton, for an elephant to be as flexible as a cat, it would have to be nearly 85% skeleton, leaving almost no room for internal organs
The only person, male or female, to win an Oscar for both acting and screenwriting is Emma Thompson
Montreal is the worlds snowiest city
The Bates Hotel from Psycho is actually a ¾ scale miniature, Alfred Hitchcock shot it from low angles to make it look big
The Greek word for butterfly is psyche, which means soul.
In Alaska it is illegal to look at a moose from the window of an airplane or any other flying vehicle.
The worlds longest national road is the Trans-Canada Highway, it runs from St. Johns Newfoundland to Victoria B.C.
Katherine Hepburn and Barbera Streisand are the only two actresses to ever tie for the best actress Oscar
The word "diploma" is Greek for "folded paper"
"Caterpillar" is Roman for "hairy cat"
A large man can prespire 19 litres of water a day
King Tut is the only Egyptian Pharaoh to remain buried in his tomb
James Buchanan was the only unmarried President of the United States
Rejkjavik, Iceland is the northernmost national capital in the world
a furlong is an eighth of a mile.
Siberian huskies lack the glands that other dogs have that give bad doggie breath.