Yay for total randomness v(^_^)v
![](http://blog-imgs-18.fc2.com/n/a/g/nagayama/20080703000531.jpg )
I was hoping to see some tutixnagayan pictures and I see this? Swinging doesn't really seem like their style to me, but hey, Nagayan seems happy/excited XD
And for even more randomness:
I love and want this shirt! Me=medical student, means I MUST HAVE SHIRT *_*
![](http://blog-imgs-18.fc2.com/n/a/g/nagayama/20080629030830.jpg )
- And Channaka likes shoujo manga *_* -
I'm a girl and I'm not that fond of it, but he loves it *_* *dead* Can he get even girlier?