Nov 20, 2007 15:13
The DIA is going to be open for 32 hours starting 10am Friday, and ending 6pm Saturday. I'm going. Liz is coming with some of her friends, Kellie and her b/f are probably coming. We aren't going to leave until after 10pm Friday. Liz has to baby-sit, so she won't get home till like 10, and we all want to go during the night. If anyone wants to come give me a call (on my cell) or leave me a message. If enough people go, there might be 2+ cars going down town. Just let me know if you want to go and if you need a ride and we'll work something out. Just be willing to put a lil money towards gas. Getting into the DIA is FREE, but you'll need money for food and such. There are going to be DJs and Coney’s and Sliders there from 10pm - 4am, and I'm sure there’s going to be some other awesome stuff there too. My parents went to the Members Only thing and they said that there’s tons of new stuff. It would be great to have a nice size group, plus we could all just hang out.
So, if you are interested in going give me a call or something.