My Mom Still Kicks Arse

Feb 13, 2006 21:42

I only like sub-sales for one reason: I love bagging. I seriously have it down to an art form. Haza!

Every freezer sub was bagged by me. I rock.

I forgot...Friday night, while my mom, dad and I were eating dinner, we had the weather channel on and the lady said, "This might be the biggest snowstorm we've had all season!"

My mom yelled (I'm not joking either): "WELL, SHIT! IT'S THE ONLY ONE WE'VE HAD!!!!"

My mom rocks.

Ok, back to the Sub-Sale...

When I came home from the Sub-sale, I drove around the corner to enter my community, Shipley's Choice (the side next to Ben Oaks...the crappy side). A man was walking his two dogs, and I slowed down and smiled at him as I drove by (yeah, I smile at strangers). He looked at me and gave me a really dirty look. I saw him look at my hat though (the Russian one I wore to the sale. I hadn't taken it off, since my ears were cold).

I dunno. I thought it was funny. But he probably scoffed at me because I had SR-71 blasting from the car. What can I say? I like hearing the bass. *shrug*
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