I'm still here. I'm bored. I thought I'd update since I know how much you all miss me(not really).
- Work still sucks. Please win the lotto or marry rich so you don't have to work.
- I still have no life.
- I'm hungry.
- I started working out and watching what I eat today. That'll last for about 32 hours...
- I took a test and I passed it, which should be good but I feel like crap since I barely got by. I should have done better.
- I feel like crap today. Not sick, but depressed. I don't know WTF is wrong with me.
- I rarely ever get to talk with anyone on MSN anymore. I miss you all.
- I'm broke.
- My room is a mess(like it's ever clean....)
- I think you are all great. ♥
I don't know what else to say, so I guess if you want to know something, just ask it in the comments section.