Sep 07, 2004 23:05
First things first...
-State your full name, location, date of birth, place of birth and bank account number (im kidding): Joanne Michelle Tucker, 2-19-86, 10000******
-What are you doing now? dreaming...what else?
-What is the time? 11:07 p.m.
-Who are you and what is your purpose in life? I don't know who I am yet, and as of now, I have no purpose. I'd like to speak to other kids w/ JRA one day though...
Have you ever...
-smoked weed? no
-stolen something? from friends
-scared your grandmother half to death? probably
-snuck out of the house? not mine :)
-tripped infront of hot guys/girls? i trip in front of everyone...they don't have to be hot
-flicked off another driver? maybe once
-gotten a ticket? IT WASN'T MY FAULT FUCKER!
-slapped your best friend? not in a mean way
-fought with your best friend over a guy/girl? never, considering most of my best friends have always been of the opposite sex
-had a crush on a teacher? once or twice
-thought gollum was shexy? excuse me?
-asked for a price check in the dollar store? no
Would you ever...
-go trick or treating until you were 30? no
-actually steal candy from a baby? no
-blow the candles on someone else's birthday cake? i use to help blow my bro's candles out
-actually try to send a letter to the northpole? shut up, i was 7
-protest for free pencils in schools? no
-go streaking on New Years eve? not likely
-jump into a freezing lake naked? if it was a dare, yes. i can't turn down dares. it's one of my flaws. and may i recommend NOT to chug garlic sauce if you can avoid it.
-try to slide down those slides in McDonalds? HELL YEA! i won a gold in the tray sliding olympics 2 years ago. i broke a couple trays, but it was all worth it in the end.
-swim in the kiddy pool? been there, done that
-shave your hair as a fashion statement? nah, i'm not much into making statements
-shop from someone else's cart in the store? not lately...
This or that?
-dogs or cats? dogs
-fruits or veggie? fruits
-finger nails or toenails? finger
-brunette or blonde? brunette most definitely
-dark or light? depends. dark in most cases though
-hot or cold? cold. i'm sick of hot
-mom or dad? mom
-cars or motercycles? cars
-chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
-tv or computer? computer
Lets play favorites now!
-band- Good Charlotte
-singer- Michael W. Smith
-letter of alphabet- T
-number- 2 or 3
-day of year- anytime in the winter
-grade- any 8th-12th...although 10th was a rough year
-age to be- 21...just cuz every is legal then
-place to be- London was SWEET
-state- Virginia
-clothing accesorie- my rosary ring...or maybe my fusion watch
-store in the mall- Pac Sun
-cd- GC's first cd, or Reliant K's 2nd(i think) cd
-radio station- 106.7
One last question.
-you ready? sure
(Thats not the question)
-Who is yo daddy? don't know. never met him. i have seen 2 pictures of him though