
Sep 27, 2003 16:56

ugh...last night TOTALLY sucked. i don't know what mr. hornilla was thinking wanting to put shining star on the field...whatever. it's over and done with, and we embarrassed ourselves once again. this blows...pfff. i'm not stressed out enough without having to worry about marching band? my application to UF is due october 1st and let's see...what's today? the...27th of september? and do i have my essays done for the app? no way...go me. whatever. not to mention i've never had so much homework in my life. i've been pulling all nighters for the past 3 weeks...i swear to god the day i get to sleep in is the day hell freezes over. BAH! whatever...maybe homecoming will distract for a brief night...ha. wishful thinking...


+ basics +

are you emotional :: hahahahahahahahahahahahaha...yes

do songs make you cry? if so, name a few of them :: um...maybe one or two...but i don't remember

what about movies :: moulin rouge and benji almost did. does crying from terror count? if so...then e.t. too

what emotion do you usually feel :: inadequate?

+ sadness +

what does it take to make you cry your heart out :: getting in a fight w/ troy

how many times have you done that :: too many times to count(don't we sound like the happy couple?)

where do you cry :: one or twice in school, but no one could tell, mostly i cry in my bed under my covers or troy's bed under his covers

do you hate crying :: yes

do you like it when others cry :: not really

do you like to make people cry :: no

do you think tears make eyes look pretty :: absolutely not

who looks good when they cry :: troy :)

how else do you express sadness :: i clam up

are you sad all the time :: not ALL the time...sometimes

+ anger +

what does it take to make you mad :: troy paying attention to other chicks...or someone in the drumline pissing me off

what do you do when you're angry :: sleep, cry, pout

how short is your temper :: depends on the situation at hand

how long does it take you to calm down :: again, depends on the situation at hand

what's the worst thing you've done when you were mad :: took it out on someone who didn't deserve it

do you freak out when others are angry :: not really...

out of the following, which one describes the level of anger you usually feel: annoyed, frustrated, angry, furious, hatred, about to go insane :: all of the above

has anyone ever recommended anger management to you :: no

what's the worst thing someone's done to you that made you mad :: rubbed me the WRONG way(no, that's not a sexual

do you anger people :: i try not to

+ joy +

how often are you happy :: a lot of the time

what makes you happy :: troy, my friends, sleep, books, and writing

what do you do when you're happy :: sometimes i act hyper...sometimes i'll start talking really fast...

how optimistic are you :: not very

do happy people make you mad :: sometimes

what's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy :: say something stupid

ever been so happy you were dying to tell everyone, including your enemies and the bugs :: maybe once or twice

ever been so happy you cried :: yea

do you smile a lot :: sometimes

hug people a lot :: no, just troy

kiss people a lot :: just troy

who really makes you happy :: troy

do the simple things make you happy :: amazingly, yes

do you like doing things for people when you're happy :: yea

+ fear +

what do you do when you're scared :: hide

what scares you :: my future, the dark, being around ppl i don't know

do you like scaring people :: not really

do you like the thrill of being frightened :: not really

does fear accompany anger in your case :: nah

ever been so scared you could barely breathe :: yes

how often do you panic :: not often

what's the one thing that scared you more than anything else in your life so far :: losing someone i really love

what do you do to calm your nerves :: talk about it, cry, listen to music

do rollercoasters scare you :: nah

+ the strongest emotion +

what song never fails to get your strongest emotions going (whether it's love, hate, whatever) :: "come what may" from moulin rouge

movie :: moulin rouge

commercial :: uh...none?

person :: troy

thing :: anything that i keep on me at all times

sight :: hm...not sure

sound :: anything that someone says that grabs my attention in a positve or negative way

food :: chinese food

thing you're looking forward to/want :: getting married

+ what do you do +

when the emotion sucks :: cry

when the emotion rocks :: whatever i can do that correlates to the emotion

when there's no emotion :: i fill out stupid surveys like this

+ would you rather +

never feel again or feel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life or be happy forever and never experience the bad times :: be happy forever

cause misery or feel misery :: feel misery

be alone or be with everyone you know :: be with everyone i know

+ who +

cheers you up more than anyone else :: troy, colleen, kyle

angers you more than anyone else :: myself

scares you more than anyone else :: myself

makes you think about your emotions more than anyone else :: troy

makes you really care about how they feel and what they think :: everyone, but especially the few people i completely trust and love
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