May 18, 2006 21:07
So I've learned that the banking world is just a bunch of bull crap and kissing butt! Seriously, tell me how someone who only dose half of the work that I do and with half of the knowledge I have get it made for them? That really pisses me off when you work your butt off and you end up getting the shaft because someone else takes the credit for what you did. Oh wait I had that happen at the theatre! Thus one of the many reasons I quit. Yes I quit, I did not get fired as some may have heard.
So why am I saying all this, I love it when people get what they deserve. My boss figured out that my co-worker is full of it. She even menioned my sitiuatin to the District Sales Exec. I had the chance to sit down with my boss and my DSE and let them know where I'm comming from. As a result of that conversation, I have the entire third quarter to meet a sales goal and then I will be getting my Annuities liscense or my series 6 lisc. I believe. That has a pretty cool raise. I get base pay of about 35-40k/ yr and commission off of the annuities that I open. Oh did I mentiion I get my own office with spiffy new business cards and even... a decent sized window! Yea I'm not too much of a prisoner.
So yeah thats whats going on in my life right now. Oh yeah Im trying to get financial aid to go back to school to get a degree in business finance and administration. So I guess I'll see you all around eventually...