(no subject)

Aug 03, 2005 15:09

my drumset just came... my dad iz trying 2 put it 2gethr... but its RELLY complicatd... so my drum teachr iz cumin ovr soon so that he can do... wutevr it iz that needs 2 b dun 2 put it 2gethr...
itz black
NO!!! i no evry1 who iz reeding this just got finishd screaming NO! at the top of their lungs just lik i did... NO!!!
itz black
NO!!! now that we've dun it three timz... ill continue...
yes, it iz black
NO!!! they wur out of blue... and blue wudda lookd PERFECT w/ my room... since my room iz blue... but NO they hav 2 b OUT OF blue... SO! we got black (NO!!!) we got balck (NO!!!) bcuz the othr colurz wur red, green, and a gross purple-y type colur... red and green wudnt go w/ my room, the purple-y thing iz gross, i dont want purple, and itz gross... so we got black (NO!!!) so now my dad iz on the floor of my room trying 2 assemble it... *sigh*...
laguna beach wuz on monday nite and i SO missd it... grrr... CHELSEA!!! IF U R REEDING THIS (which u bttr b) THEN PLEEZ COMMENT AND TELL ME WUT HAPPEND ON LAGUNA BEACH MUNDAY NITE!!! lol... g2g
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