I found out tonight that
Explosions in the Sky will be doing a show in Portland on the 4th of May (a Friday) at the Wonder Ballroom. Considering they are one of my favorite bands, I would really like to go and I am wondering if anybody else would be interested because from what I've seen of videos of their performances on the internet,
like this one, and comments people have left about their shows, its definitely an amazing experience. Tickets are only $12 so if you're interested let me know. Also they have a new album coming out in February, which is equally exciting.
I should probably say more things since its been a while.
This new term is definitely already killing me. After the first day of classes I had over 120 pages of reading to do (and that's just in one class), but even though they are hard classes each one of them will be really interesting, I believe. I'm taking Intro to Micro Economics, Interest Groups, Politics of Developing Nations, Judicial Process and Politics, Swing II (where we learn Balboa) and West Coast Swing I. That's 18 credits which...is a lot, but I should be fine.
We're starting the selection process for new RAs for next year. I really enjoy helping out with the selection process, in part because of how you get to watch and analyze people and they way the interact with people they don't know in group situations. I had a big part in what went on this evening for the first part of the selection process. I was asked to lead a couple of icebreakers and do a presentation on what icebreakers are and what the qualities of a good ice breaker are. So I did my thing and I received a lot of compliments on my presentation from the UHDS higher ups. One of the RDs even asked me if I would be interested in being a counselor at Camp Collins this summer because I seem really good with facilitation and leading group activities. I really don't know what my future will be with UHDS, but I'm actually meeting with Cindy Empey, one of professional res life staff members, on Tuesday to discuss options because I really do enjoy, as they put it, the lifestyle. The selection process goes on tomorrow and next weekend then we'll have interviews so is all very exciting.
What I need to do though is go to bed. I'm waking up early tomorrow (and every Saturday for that matter) for Lincoln's and my Rock Show on KBVR, the campus radio station. If you feel so inclined, the show will be from 11am-1pm every Saturday and you can stream the show by going to KBVR website which you can find
RIGHT HERE. That's all, goodnight everyone.