Figure 1.1: the inverse square law

Sep 15, 2004 06:30

we finished recording for our split yesterday. took us too damn long. we've recorded over and over at least three times and its annoying as hell. but we're finally fucking done, but now my comp is wigging out on me and not recording like its fucking supposed to, so i have to haul my ass back to amber's house and use her comp instead. fucking technology and our lack to afford a studio. . . .

anyway, on a lighter note, im going to church with tyler today. kt you better go or i'll cut you.

hmmm what else has been going on. . . ?

oh yeah, new dealer. fuck yes. it's tyler. he deals adderal. ho man. im so happy. dah-dah-dah-DISCOUNT!!

after pract yesterday we walked down to bowen and took a smoke break. we just sat and talked and infested amber with second hand smoke.
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