(no subject)

Aug 05, 2004 19:18

o man, bringing back good memories! you need to keep writing more, cuz man, theres so much more.
like the michael...or, the tower of towers' ticket guy we saw at the trashcan, or vince, or that one ticket guy at the aerosmith ride, or the starwars rollercoaster, or SCOTTLAND..on that boat, or, the pirate hats, or the english kids in the bus, or vince, or the two hot boys in line for the aerosmith ride, or the FUCK! we wrote in the sand, or the pot leaf, o man, GOOD MEMORIES!

ok kt wrote that. now to explain. . . .

michael:: i think she means matt, the guy that worked at space mountain. we were checking him out, and he had to cut us off in the line and said "you ladies mind waiting here?" and i said "NO SIR" so we talked to him.

tower of towers (hahaha) ticket guy:: as we walked into the ride, he gave us this sexy, "im evil" grin and it was super.

vince:: super hot kid we met at the hotel. on our last nite, we walked around the man-made beach by the pool and we found a bunny running around the pool and he was watching it too, so we started talking to him. he was really nice and sat with us on the beach. it was around ten-ish and we hung out for a really long time. he was super sweet too, and kt and i did our best to make him laugh. he laughed more at our "southern accents" hahaha.

aerosmith ticket guy:: when we walked into the aerosmith ride with our pirate hats on:
ticket guy:: is this a theme or something? (about our pirate hats)
kt: yes sir.
guy:: where are your swords?
me: we ate them.
guy:: what about your eye patches?
me: we ate those too.
guy:: oh. . . .ok. . . .
he was facing the other way talking into his microphone and the three of us just sat with our mouths open watching him. he was really hot.

starwars rollercoaster:: kt and i went NUTS when we rode this. because we're both big stupid star wars fans. we flipped out in the line because C-3PO and R2-D2 were there and we took a bunch of pictures of the star wars scenery and on the ride we pointed out all the stuff and were like "THATS A DEATH STAR!!!", "THOSE ARE THE SITH!!" and stuff like that.

one night, when kt and i slept in the bed together, in the middle of the nite i heard her laughing.
me: why are you laughing?
kt: you made me laugh in my dream.
me: . .. i made you laugh in your subconscious?

SCOTLAND:: OH MY GOD THIS WAS SO FUNNY!!! the popular question at the magic kingdom was "where are you from?". so we rode on the nile boat ride thing and the guy that was driving the boat was loud and obnoxious and cracking really ridiculous jokes.
boat driver:: so, since we'll all be here for a while, where are you all from?
kt and amber:: kentucky.
me (in the most southern accent possible):: SCOTLAND.
boat driver:: scotland? where in scotland?
me::. . . . .scotland.
boat driver:: yeah, but where in scotland?
me:: . . . . central scotland.
boat driver:: really? you're from scotland?
me:: (shaking head slowly)
this happened a lot during our trip. people constantly asked where we were from, including vince, and i insisted that i was scottish. for some reason it was just really funny.

pirate hats:: we bought pirate hats from the magic kingdom and wore them around EVERY single place we went. people were constantly like "AR!" and stupid shit like that, and we got lots of attention, so we wore them a lot. haha.

english kids on the bus:: on the bus to the ticket center, in front of us was this family of english people. HOLY CRAP they had the cooooolest accents ever. "Lauren, sit prop-uh-lee on yo-ww bah-um." fun fun fun to listen to. the entire bus ride we just watched them in awe.

2 hot boys in line for aerosmith:: are we stalkers?? yes. we watched them the entire time.

writing bad things in the sand:: we hung around on the beach almost every nite and kt kept chasing ducks around and i wrote FUCK in the sand really big. a girl (who we later found out was vince's older sister) was watching us. we drew potleafs in the sand and amber wrote THE SPAZTICS everywhere. the fuck sign stayed there forever. literally. nobody brushed it away.

heheheheheh there is much more to say, but i cant remember it all.
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