Another boring entry

Jul 23, 2006 22:09

Ever get the feeling that I just have a boring life? If you get a cookie. 'Cause I do.

I went to the Bedford County Fair with my parents today. That was kind of fun. I got to pet the animals. :) I miss my goat, Snowy. My mom said she'll buy some land out there and I can buy some goats and a horse and keep them out there, lol. That would be cool.

Other than that, my life has been non-stop boring-ness. I applied at Staples yesterday. Yeah, don't laugh, I like that store, and I really hope I get the job. I need a job in the worst possible way. They're supposed to call sometime this week. I'm waiting anxiously. I also picked up an application for Gymboree and Michael's (Yeah, I'm that desperate). We'll see, though.

Jeffy's coming home tomorrow! Yay! And then he's leaving on Tuesday. But I may go camping with him, so it's all good. Perhaps.

That's all I have to say for now. If you actually read to the end of this get another cookie!

**I'm the narrator, and this is just the prologue...**
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