Sep 29, 2005 21:27
Whats up everyone? Well it has been forever. Hooray. Anyways a lot has happened since the last post so lets get started.
Over the summer I was working on summer school as well as our movie Homeless Harmony. I got a lower GPA than I had hoped for. My public speaking class sucked in the way that my prof handed out grades. I went into the final not knowing two out of the 4 given grades so I had no idea how well I had to do. I also missed my final speech because the class time was changed and I confused it with my other one. I went a half hour later than the regularly scheduled class time but I needed to go a half hour before. I emailed my prof and she let me give it the next day to her however, there was no way I could get an A.
I missed 6 classes of 2D design. 2 of them I worked on the movie during, slept in for 3 and I didn’t want to go to the other one. My prof missed 4 of the same classes I did. He also did a really bad job of explaining techniques and ideas. There was no coherence to his thoughts at all. They were all over the place. Well, I had 7 graded projects and I got 5 A’s and 2 B’s but because I missed class I got a B in his class. Absolute garbage. At least he didn’t try to pull a C on me.
In the art class I met this kid Cameron who is a really cool guy. The first couple of weeks I thought he was gay but w/e. In mid July he asked the class to go to a Starbuck’s gig but we never talked so he didn’t ask me. Well a week or two later he and I talked and I was invited. I wasn’t planning on going but Atlanta was being mobbed by the free 99X concert so I decided to go. I went and he was pretty surprised to see me there. He then introduced me to his girlfriend Melanie and completely dispelled the feeling that he was gay. He started to play his set and his songs felt like songs that were being sung about God and Jesus. He continued the set and then played the song Smell the Color Nine. During the break we really started talking and found out that the other was a believer. It was pretty cool. At the end we went out for pizza with his gf, the pastor of his church his wife, and their son. They then invited me to go to their church. I went that Sunday and it was pretty cool. They held their service at Piedmont park. We started off with Frisbee, football, and some weird ring thing that could fly forever. Dinner came next and we gave food to the homeless people that came up to us and invited them to join the service but they left. We finished eating and got together in a circle and started singing worship and then went into the service. The service was interesting in a good way. The pastor delivered a message and then several people spoke about how it affected them personally. It was young adults in a very close intimate setting. But like two weeks after that Bridgeway started up a cool series so I decided to stay there.
Homeless Harmony finished filming despite all the problems. It’s actually turning into quite a good movie. I’m proud to say that I helped on it. Hopefully next year at scad it will help get me a nice sum of money in combination with my other stuff. I also held and worked with a camera for a long period of time for the first time. Jay asked if I could help him film this karate thing with him. The people that we filmed for were very unprofessional however the experience as a whole is one that I would not give up. We wound up filming close to thirty hours of footage and crashed jays computer while capturing but despite all the complications and frustrations it was a fun time. Jay and I talked a whole lot and I feel that our friendship became stronger throughout the ordeal. I also learned a whole bunch about film and video.
Well, that basically was the rest of my summer. The new school year has started and it’s fun and busy. I’m taking 18 credits and all but 3 will transfer to SCAD. Here’s the breakdown:
AH 1700 - Prehistoric to 14th century art
ART 1010 - Drawing 1
ART 1040 - 3D Design
ASTR 1000 - Intro to the Universe
MUS 1440 - Music Theory I
MUS 1540 - Aural Skills I
PERS 2002 - Dinosaurs and their World
So it’s a pretty full schedule and I just auditioned and got into basketball band. I’m looking forward to it. All of my prof’s are really good and I love every class except for Art Hist. I just don’t find it interesting at all.
Well, that’s all for now but stay tuned for more in the exciting saga of… Can Andrew Get His Hope Back (cue music and fade out)