Apr 24, 2005 00:17
Holy cow! So I know that I said that I was going to write in the LJ yesterday, as in the 29th of March, but that didnt happen. So in my tired state I am going to type and as I am, I will be drifting in and out so please forgive for any incoherent thoughts.
I didn't buy a toothbrush that week so I used a lot of mouth wash and floss that week, pretty gross but I didn't feel like spending money. My film professor was gone that week of school at a conference, giving us time to work on our papers that were due on April the 6th. Need less to say, I didnt work on it during the time off class, and the weekend before it was due I finished my thesis statement. I finally cracked down and really started working on Tuesday the 5th at 5:00 PM. The paper was finished at 3:50 PM on Wednesday the 6th and in my professor's hand at 3:58 PM to meet a 4:00 deadline. Get a grade on it tomorrow.
Well as most everyone knows, I did pretty poorly last semester. I took 17 credits and got a 2.41 GPA. Not Good. I'm taking 17 credits this semester and in order to offset last semesters grades and stay on HOPE, I have to get a 3.59 GPA this semester. That means that I have to get at least 4 A's and 2 B's or 5 A's and 1 C. I almost have it. I have 4 A's, a B and a C. That gives me a 3.53 GPA for the semester. There is less than a week and a half of classes and I'm starting to freak out. I have to get all A's on the rest of my assignments for the semester or I will be off HOPE. Infact, I don't even know if I can pull my grade in math from a C to a B even if I do get all A's. I'm going insane over this. The only thing that is giving me comfort in this besides God's grace is the thought that maybe by paying for two semesters (more like one and a half because I'm taking 10 credits in summer semester and 17 in the fall) I'm helping myself because that means that I will have 27 additional credits that can be taken at SCAD. But I'm not even really sure about that because I do not know if you get kicked off HOPE and get back on that the credits that you pay for are also deducted from your HOPE credit. Arg! But yeah, other than freakin out about that, I'm doing pretty good this semester. And Finals are in a week and I feel that I'm ready for them but I'll be much happier when they are actually completed.
In combination with the whole entire craziness of the actual semester, I am also unsure of what to do with my life and whats in store. I'm like 95% sure that I want to go to SCAD but I guess because of the entire cost of everything I'm not necessarily second guessing, but reaffirming. I've been completely decided on what I wanted to do with my life before and eventually, all of those previous plans have faded away. I have a fear that my idea to do Film is going to have the same fate and then once the dream does get dissolved, I'll have no idea what to even look at next. Also, it's going to be a monstrous amount of work in two years and know it's going to be awesome, but I wish that I could be absolutely 110% certain that it is the right decision. (I guess that's why my friends call me whiskers, because I worry alot.) Out of all the classes that I have taken so far, film is by far my favorite. It is the class that I look forward to every week. We watch awesome movies, have intelligent people in the class that give meaningful insight to class discussions, and I'm learning so much about different types of genres and styles. Yet again, I'm only 95% sure. Oh. Speaking about SCAD, the last entry I said that I had completed my application for SCAD. Well as a little follow up, I've gotten two out of my three recommendations for that. The third one will be completed once I show my film prof some of my material.
Another thing that I've also been thinking about lately is "that special someone." Not the crush from two entries ago, I'll talk about that a little later in this entry, but what the girl that I'm going to marry is going to be like. I was reading a friends LJ and I saw that she had kind of talked about this same issue. In reading her entry, she talked about both physical and personality qualities and characteristics that she would like her husband to have. My previous youth group pastor's wife did this and so did one of my small group leaders and they talked about it to us. Now when I was in 8th grade to a sophomore in HS I thought this was a stupid idea. Well, I've changed a lot since then, so in math class two weeks ago, I got extremely bored while listening how to test a 90% P-confidence level against hypothesis 1 for your Simple Random Sample. I made my list. It consisted of two columns. One was for qualities that were a must and the other of qualities that were not by any means necessary, but would make her that much more of the unparalleled, perfect, one in 6.4 billion, woman. All in all, the important, can not do without list had 22 characteristics with the only physical attribute being height (I would like to be taller). With both lists combined, there were 45 characteristics/qualities/personality traits. If you are curious, just post a comment.
Because I am doing Sound Design at SCAD I have to do some core music classes. I almost tested out of theory I and I did test out of piano I. Pretty sweet. Let the musical knowledge increase.
Its getting late so im tryin to speed through the rest of this.
I'm pretty much over the crush. One of those things that comes and goes I guess. If it's meant to be then it will eventually happen, but if not, neither of us got hurt which is definately a good thing. I guess the whole way that I'm approaching this college dating thing is the same way I go about life. If it happens, that is awesome and great. If it doesn't, oh well, but there is someone out there who is even better and that is why the wait continues.
Well, another day down...